Comparison – Down 50 Pounds

nicole bullock weight lossSeveral people asked me to post a side-by-side comparison of how I look from before surgery until now. After hitting the 50 pound milestone, I thought it was a good time.

Although I’ve lost weight and inches all over my body, people still say to me, “Yeah, I can see it in your face.” So today is a face shot. I’ve gone from a triple chin to one and a half (meaning, I still have a lot of extra skin and fat, but it’s not quite so chubby). My cheeks aren’t so round. My eyes look brighter and I don’t look so tired.

With such a big difference at 50 pounds, I wonder where I’ll be at 100. Or 150. Or 200.


  1. You look absolutely fabulous, Nicole. Your eyes are absolutely sparkling… and they’re so BLUE! Grats on your milestone!

  2. You look great. I’m thinking you pretty much looked like you do now the day we met IRL.

    I’m proud of your accomplishments. on your goals.

    I’m pretty quiet these days with my comments, but still watching as you shrink.


  3. I can see a lot of changes already. It’s an improvement, but pushing it to a 100 or more, I guess, would be a little risky. So just be careful.

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