Milestone: Fifty Pounds Lost

50 pound weight lossToday was a milestone I’ve been excited about for the last week or two. I’ve never lost 50 pounds – ever.


This morning I stepped on the scale, and I weigh 323.0 – Which means I’ve lost 50.3 pounds. It comes at a good time, because today is my 8 week mark since surgery. Everyone who I’ve talked to who has been through weight loss surgery told me that the weight loss will happen so fast, you can hardly believe it. And they were completely right – I can hardly believe it.

If you’ve followed my blog through my journey, you know that there have been a lot of bumps in the road. I’ve been dealing with pretty significant fatigue, I haven’t been able to work full-time hours consistently, and I’ve been in the ER a few times. I’ve cried in frustration when I’ve wanted to do things that my body hasn’t let me do (good and bad). I’ve met some ridicule by people who think that I chose to go the “easy way out” with surgery. It hasn’t been easy, but has it been worth it? Absolutely!

I still have a long way to go – I’m only 25% of the way to my goal weight. The next milestone I’m excited for is the 75 pound mark – at which I’ll be under 300 pounds for the first time since 2008.


  • Neck: 15.25 (-1.5)
  • Bust: 48 (-4)
  • Chest: 42.5 (-3.5)
  • Waist: 44 (-6)
  • Upper Bulge: 48 (-5)
  • Hips: 57.5 (-4.5)
  • Thigh 30.5 (-3.5)
  • Calf: 21 (-2)
  • Ankle: 11 (-1.5)
  • Bicep: 18.25 (-1.75)
  • Wrist: 7 (-2)



  1. Heather Nichole says:

    Congratulations! That is a huge milestone and it will only be a matter of time until your next milestone! Glad to have found your blog and to be following your journey!


  2. So happy for you! CONGRATS! Stay strong and keep looking FORWARD!

  3. I want to give you great big hugs!!!! Congratulations my friend.

  4. You go Nicole!

  5. I love to see the changes in your measurements. Since I’ve done a lot in costuming I look at body proportions. I once took in a costume for an actress who was working on loosing weight. I couldn’t tell that much difference until I fit her in the costume and took in 4″ at the waist, but, hips! That’s a lot! While us onlookers can’t always tell if you’ve lost weight, measurements don’t lie. Huzzah!!

    • If I ever get frustrated at the number on the scale (which shouldn’t happen yet, since I’m losing so consistently, I’ll get out my tape measure. When I want to compare the progress, I’ll loosen the tape measure to what I used to be…and it’s easy to see how I’m shrinking.

  6. Who cares if some people think you took the easy way out? If they’ve never been overweight, they have no idea what a struggle you had (ask them how hard they think it is for alcoholics or smokers to quit [“Very hard”], and then ask them how much harder it would be for alcoholics or smokers to quit if they were told they still had to drink or smoke… but just only a little bit everyday–imo that’s partly what makes losing weight so hard; we can’t just “not eat”). If they themselves are overweight, they might be envious of your courage to do something so drastic… and they will watch in awe as you continue to lose weight. Just wait until you reach goal weight and keep it off; the best revenge is served cold!

  7. Nicole! This is fabulous! I am so excited for you!! I have been dieting since mid January and have lost almost 30 lbs! So I can surely feel your excitement when you tell us your accomplishments! It sure feels great to know you’re hitting goals that you once thought never could happen. Great work and it’s definitely showing!!

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