One Month Of Beauty And The Bypass

It’s crazy to think it’s been a month since I started my weight loss surgery blog. 5 weeks ago I publicly announced that I was having gastric bypass surgery. I’ve talked about what I’ve eaten, the surgery process, emotional struggles with my obesity, post-operative complications, and added pictures along the way. Already I’m feeling healthier and more confident.

It hasn’t always been easy to talk about what I’m going through, and I’ve tried to be as honest about the process as possible. It’s been incredible to see how many people have reached out to me – those who have had surgery, those who are thinking about surgery, and those who purely appreciate sharing my journey. I’ve had some haters, I’ve had some rude and insensitive comments, but overall…I’m SO glad I decided to document the process.

Since I started the blog, my BMI has gone from 53.5 to 49.2, meaning I’ve gone from “super obese” back down to “morbidly obese”. Next step, I’ll just be “obese”. I’m down a little over 30 pounds, and I’m shrinking all over my body. These are my current measurements, with a total of how much I’ve lost:

  • Neck 16 (-.75)
  • Bust 50.5 (-1.5)
  • Chest 44 (-2)
  • Waist 45.5 (-4.5)
  • Upper belly 49 (-4)
  • Hips/butt 59.5 (-2.5)
  • Thigh 31 (-3)
  • Calf 23 (-1.5)
  • Ankle 11.5 (-1)
  • Bicep 18.25 (-1.75)
  • Forearm 13 (-1.5)
  • Wrist 7.5 (-1.5)

Being back to work has been a challenge. I’ve struggled with some major fatigue, some days it’s hard to stay even 3 hours, and I always follow-up my work shift with a hefty nap. I’m not sure how I’ll feel through the next few weeks, but I’m trying to be patient with my recovery. I’m still dealing with a lot of nausea and vomiting, but I’m getting more comfortable with what I’m able to eat (and how much). I’m still craving things that I can’t have (like Easter candy), but there’s reassurance that avoiding those “bad” foods will help me avoid getting sick.

Today’s food diary:

  • Light yogurt
  • 1 TB peanut butter
  • 2 oz marinara sauce, mushrooms, and cheese
  • 2 oz shredded pork, enchilada sauce, and cheese
  • 3 oz Simply Apple juice
  • String cheese


  1. You look amazing!

  2. Steve B. (@eEditor) says:

    Good for you, Nicole. You rock!

  3. The first 5 months are the hardest. Do not be afraid to try new foods after the surgery. Some things you could eat before the surgery you may not be able to tolerate and other you will. Enjoy the journey. I had my surgery May 2003. Day of surgery 311 lbs. Today I am steady at 225-235.

  4. You’re looking great in your photo!

    Do you have a dietician you can talk to (who understands bypass issues) or a support group you still attend? I ask because I’m looking at your food journal, and I’m wondering if you might need some more protein–that might be contributing to your fatigue.

    A friend of mine who got a sleeve procedure has a protein drink she makes every morning for breakfast that gets 50 grams of protein into her system right off the bat. Maybe you can find out if that might give you more energy?

    • I do have a dietitian I can talk to, and a support group. I will see them both on March 14th. I’m also meeting with my surgeon on Monday for my post-op appointment, so I’m sure I’ll get some feedback on what I’m eating. I just switched the type of sublingual B-12 from drops to lozenges. B-12 is what is supposed to help with energy production. I do have protein shakes some days, but I’m having a hard time finding one that I like. It’s getting expensive to keep trying different protein drinks.

      • Jodi — My friend who got the VSG swears by the Isopure brand of zero carb whey protein. They are definitely not cheap, but she gets the humongous 3-pound plastic containers from The Vitamin Shoppe and they sell them for 40% off (they are full price at GNC for over $80!! but only about $45 from TVS), and you might be able to find some of the smaller 1-pound packs to try out the flavors. I’ve tried both the vanilla and the dutch chocolate, and they definitely don’t taste chalky or too chemical/vitaminy. She uses their *unflavored* kind and just adds her own flavoring and she says that works for her. Anyway, hope you can get some more energy soon.

  5. You should stop eating so much cheese that’s going to stop you from losing weight. Eat just a bit of dairy a day, a yogurt and a glass of milk is good. But you must seriously and heavily cut down on the cheese. Replace that with protein. You can eat more protein and feel more full than you would with cheese. It also takes more energy to metabolize protein than fats. Eat protein like chicken breast boneless/skinless/fatless.
    Do cardio.

    • I am doing and eating what my doctor and nutrition suggest, as tolerated. Cheese is what got me through that post-op phase, but I don’t have it everyday anymore. Dairy, however, is an important part of a gastric bypass patient’s diet, as well as any tolerated form of protein. There are several things I don’t tolerate at all – such as chicken. Makes me sick everytime. If you have questions about what gastric bypass patients supposed to eat, feel free to do research. I will abide by the guidelines I’ve been given by professionals.

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